The Best Dialysis Provider
There is a HUGE difference in dialysis providers
With Kidney Associates of Kansas City:
Medicare compiles dialysis patient information. Every single year, Medicare data proves our patients have fewer and shorter hospital stays vs. other dialysis patients in this metro area and fewer vs. the national average.
Medicare data also proves the survival rates of our dialysis patients are 30 to 50% above the national average.
The main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood, removing waste products that our body generates daily. When the kidneys are severely diseased, an artificial kidney may be necessary to clean the blood. Dialysis means cleaning the blood with an artificial kidney.
There are several types of dialysis. The most common (hemodialysis) requires a 3.5 to 4-hour treatment, 3 times weekly. During these sessions, excess fluid and waste products are removed. Access to the blood is through a large vein in the arm (AV Fistula) created with a minor surgical procedure.
Dialysis allows patients with kidney failure to live a relatively normal life for many years. But actual duration and quality of life on dialysis depends on several factors. These include:
- The quality of each dialysis treatment and AV fistula
- Care of malnutrition anemia and bone disease related to kidney failure
- Managing excess cardiovascular risk
- Social service, dietary and pharmacy support
The physicians at Kidney Associates of Kansas City manage these problems better than anyone. Medicare information supports our claim. And, every physician at Kidney Associates is board certified in internal medicine and nephrology.
Our patients use Dialysis Clinics Incorporated, the largest not-for-profit dialysis group in the country. Medicare data shows that not-for-profit dialysis centers have a significantly better hospitalization rate and survival rate than for-profit dialysis groups.
We believe patients should be seen by our doctors often to reduce hospitalization. We see dialysis patients 8 to 12 times monthly versus most providers seeing patients only 4 times. For-profit providers see patients 4 times monthly so they can bill for maximum dialysis services. We see patients 8 to 12 times monthly to reduce hospital occurrences, and there is no additional payment required for those additional 4 to 8 visits.